This mastermind is a support for your innovation management process. At the same time you will learn new forms of leadership for innovation. Would you like to improve the culture of innovation within your team and organization? Do you wish it was easy to maintain a creative and innovative culture effortlessly?
The “Mastermind Innovation Culture” consists of 4 online sessions on Thursdays.

Get understanding how innovation is about leadership and not a process nor a brainstorming.
Learn from practical real-life cases from successful cases and from other innovation culture.
Implementing week by week each session take aways and organize your first innovation event inside your organization.
Culture is the backbone of any team and organization. Sometimes it is difficult to define an innovation subculture within the organizational culture for each team or the organization as a whole. Our answer with this course is to give you a framework and set of tools that you can apply and get results right away. You will learn how to motivate teams to innovate and collaborate to create innovative solutions.
Would you like to improve the culture of innovation within your team and organization?
Do you wish it was easy to maintain a creative and innovative culture effortlessly?
This mastermind is a support for your innovation management process. At the same time you will learn new forms of leadership for innovation.
The “Mastermind Innovation Culture” consists of 4 online sessions that start on Thursday, June 8 at 7:00 CET.
1 session: Thursday 8 June. 7AM CET: Analyse the state of your innovation culture
2 session: Thursday 15 June. 7AM CET: Analyse the organizational chart of your organization
3 session: Thursday 22 June. 7AM CET: Keys to change the mindset towards innovation
4 session: Thursday 29 June . 7AM CET: Plan & organize an innovation activity

CEO of Collabwith, author of the book “Innovation and Collaboration in the Digital Era”. Consultant and professor at different universities. Board member of the K4I Innovation Forum at the European Parliament. Expert advisor on innovation in the European Parliament and the European Commission and Chair of the WG Innovation Ecosystems of the European IoT Alliance and Board Member of AMIT-MIT.
Jara is a telecommunications engineer from Pompeu Fabra University, and has an MBA from RSM Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Jara is host of the podcast “Business of Collaboration” and writes about innovation in different digital magazines. Jara has 15 years experience in innovation management doing innovation cultural transformations and projects in corporate companies such as adidas Group, ECCO, Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, and R&D labs.
Collabwith is a technology and a service to structure collaboration for innovation. It’s a tool to connect academics-startups-organizations. Because a tool is not enough to transform how you collaborate, here we have created a new methodology, personalized trainings, a new way of communication and a tailored made consulting for you to be more effective and efficient, now. Grow your business and innovation through smart collaborations with Collabwith innovative and holistic approach to collaboration.
CollaborationXInnovation Platform: