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We want to help you to grow your organization with creativity and innovation from us, from our startups, from industry leaders and from academics. For this reason, we are creating a global virtual ecosystem for innovation and collaboration with and without a SaaS digital platform open for everyone, or close for your community, ecosystem or project.

Jara Pascual

Founder & CEO: Jara is making sure that our customers are happy and that we met our deadlines with them. Besides, she is keeping the team calm and performing with emotional intelligence.

Christian Schultz

CTO, DevOps: Christian is ensuring that the backend is performing 99.99% of the time, not only with the server administration and security but also for the intelligence behind our algorithms.

Colin Petruno

Full stack developer and creative technology thinker: Colin is bringing his creative thinking and experience on developing the next level of data visualization, negotiations and SaaS platform functionalities.

Jehad Slman

Front-end developer: Jehad makes the impossible, possible. He is a master on REACT front end but also he is a problem solver at any level of programing.

Serena Crotti

Communications & design: Serena is preparing our communication for social media, articles, flyers and managing that our Collabwith colors are kept into place beautifully.

Angelica Nañez

User experience coach: Angelica is listening platform users, and SaaS users to understand their experiences about functionalities, digitalization, processes and communication. She will support everyone to understand the user inside the Collabwith team, and as well the other side, to help the user to work perfectly with the Collabwith platform.

Carlotta Sass

Content creation for EuroSpaceHub: Carlotta is creating powerful and creative messages and content with the EuroSpaceHub community. Carlotta is also ensuring that the members are collaborating among them to create cool collaborations among the European space research infrastructures, industry and space entrepreneurs.

Michał Dobrzański

Content creation for Collabwith: Michal is bringing an unique perspective on content creation with a background of music, fashion and sports into the innovation and collaboration digital interaction and communication.

Alejandra Nettel

Podcast edition: Alejandra is editing our podcast episodes “Business of Collaboration” with detailed sound precision and beautiful cuts.

Dolores Santonja

Team assistant: Dolores is making sure that our customers has a smooth onboarding and we help them with kindness and with our experience at best.

Do you want to join us?

Send an email to hello @ collabwith. org with the topic [JOIN COLLABWITH]. Attach your resume and with one idea on how to improve cooperation between businesses, startups and academia.