We support entrepreneurs, academics and innovation leaders with our framework and methodology of emotional intelligence for innovation, collaboration and entrepreneurship. We have specialized training created by our team of psychology and business experts to create effective and long term collaborations. Our methodology is based on 20 years of experience in innovation and collaboration and 30 years of experience in psychology and emotional intelligence. We support entrepreneurs, academics, researchers and innovation leaders with our framework and methodology of emotional intelligence for innovation, collaboration and entrepreneurship.
Inside the Collabwith digital platform, you find a digital academy with pre-recorded masterclasses, workshops and digital courses with different experts in the area of innovation, mindset, leadership, entrepreneurship, investment, research transfer and collaboration.
Roadmap for decision making

In the next pages you will see the different type of trainings that we offer to you. Now, it’s the time for you to think what you need and it’s suitable for your team now, and which kind of combination of trainings you would like to receive.
Learn more about each workshop
Workshop: Collaboration for innovation.
Canvas: Collaboration.
In this workshop we are going to introduce the different forms of collaboration, templates and negotiation modes to collaborate. Including several practical cases to use the Collaboration Chart and the path of collaboration to innovate.
Workshop: Collaboration with competitors
Canvas: Collaborate with competitors.
This workshop will distill how and when to collaborate with competitors, including a methodology from how to manage the decision to what type of conversations to have to maintain confidentiality, and how to negotiate collaboration with competitors.
Workshop: High performance teams
Canvas: Emotional intelligence.
In this workshop we are going to define what a team is, what high performance means and the role of emotional intelligence to create collaborative teams that are normally made up of people who come from different organizations. We are going to analyze the emotions that are responsible for making collaboration and innovation teams work well.
Workshop: Collaboration with Startups
Canvas: Selling innovation.
In this workshop we will understand the relationships between startups-companies to innovate. At the same time we are going to discover the emotions that influence collaboration and the ways of collaborating that are effective. At the same time we are going to introduce the concept of buying innovation for public and private organizations.
Workshop: Collaboration with Academics and Researchers
Canvas: Sell innovation.
In this workshop we will understand the relationships between academics-companies to innovate. At the same time we are going to discover the emotions that influence collaboration and the ways of collaborating that are effective. At the same time we are going to introduce the concept of buying innovation for public and private organizations for “partnerships as the first customer to finalize the use case for research results”.
Workshop: How to manage conflicts within teams and consortia
Canvas: Emotional intelligence.
Conflicts within consortia or collaborative innovation teams can come from a lack of communication, different interests, and a lack of leadership. Well-managed conflicts and crises lead to stronger and more stable collaborative relationships, taking trust to the next levels of professionalism. In this workshop we learn to manage conflicts and understand conflicts.
Workshop: How to create and orchestrate an innovation ecosystem
Canvas: Innovation ecosystem.
The workshop is for people who manage university ecosystems, city ecosystems, country ecosystems, research consortia, corporate innovation relationships, and associations. The “Innovation Ecosystem Chart” will help you orchestrate your innovation ecosystem. It takes time to transform an ecosystem into a true community where actors share the same identity to be creative and innovate together.
Workshop: How to create a culture of innovation
Canvas: Innovative organization.
Culture is the backbone of any team and organization. Sometimes it is difficult to define an innovation subculture within the organizational culture for each team or the organization as a whole. Our answer with this workshop is to give you a framework and a set of tools that you can apply and get results immediately. You will learn how to motivate teams to innovate and collaborate to create innovative solutions.
Workshop: How to calculate innovation budgets
Canvas: Innovation leadership and calculators.
This workshop will help you understand the “Calculators” and formulas to get your correct and clear budget to present to your management and your project coordinator. The workshop will include several canvases for “Investment Chart”, “Finance Spreadsheet” and “Monthly Accounting”. It’s time to rethink the budget for the coming year, and it’s good to reflect on what you need, what the priorities are, and how you can create a new budget to achieve high performance on innovation.
Workshop: How to use emotional intelligence for the path of entrepreneurship
Canvas: Startup journey.
This training is for Academics, researchers and scientists who are becoming entrepreneurs, who are building a new startup, a new team for their new business and who want to build a team and culture.
Workshop: How to sell innovative solutions and innovation?
Canvas: Selling innovation.
This workshop will change your perspective on selling and commercializing research and innovation results because selling innovation is about collaborating and making an impact together for our common future.
Workshop: Emotional intelligence for artificial intelligence
Canvas: Emotional intelligence charts.
This workshop we are going to learn to design digital tools, technology through the emotions of the end user and the programmer or designer of the tools and technology. We are going to use the Yale University mood meter with the Collabwith framework.
Workshop: Leadership for innovation
Canvas: Innovation leadership.
Workshop to learn to lead through managing change and with transformational leadership and to unite people over silos. This workshop is an introduction to “Innovation Leadership”, the “Innovation Leadership Chart” and the “Emotionally Intelligent Innovation Leadership” framework for shifting to a modern and effective form of leadership.
Workshop: How to organize an innovation purchasing process
Canvas: Purchase of innovation.
Workshop to introduce the techniques of “Innovation Procurement” and “Partnership Innovation” to co-create innovation between industry and universities. This workshop provides best practices and tools to effectively help business and industry buy innovative solutions from the university through a clear innovation procurement process.
Workshop: How to prepare your organization for the future
Canvas: Future and needs.
In this workshop, techniques will be introduced to understand the needs of the organization to transform it to be ready for the future, thinking differently and doing Innovation. Introduction to the techniques to think about the future of your organization without talking about innovation.
Workshop: How to find the needs to innovate
Canvas: Needs for innovation.
This workshop is based on understanding the needs to innovate and collaborate. The needs refer to collaboration and the future. Thinking needs is not about brainstorming futuristic or science fiction ideas, it is about thinking about your organization at different levels and dimensions to make it strong, innovative and resilient.
Workshop: Emotions and innovation
Canvas: Emotional intelligence.
This workshop works on emotional intelligence for innovation, for innovation leadership for the front-end of innovation, for collaboration, for entrepreneurship and for innovation ecosystems. The basic emotions that help the performance of the innovation are worked on.
Workshop: How to be creative
Canvas: Creativity and Needs.
The different ways of being creative are worked on individually and collectively. Understand the emotions that help the different phases of creativity and understand how to translate inspiration into ideas and how to go from ideas to innovation.
Workshop: How to innovate as a freelance or a mini company
Canvas: Small Innovation, Needs and Creativity.
This workshop lays the foundations that innovation is for everyone and that all people are creative. They work on the different ways of making innovation and working on structured inspiration. Understand the emotions that help the different phases of innovation and how it can be used to innovate individually or for a small business.
Workshop: How to write a European proposal and create a European consortium
Canvas: How to write a European proposal and create a consortium.
A workshop to learn how to manage a new consortium with emotional intelligence while preparing a proposal for an EU grant call. Introduction to two different charts “Public Subsidies Chart” to find out what public funding is needed and prepare collaboration with other partners. And the “Proposal Chart” to structure and streamline your proposal writing process together with the new consortium including the emotional intelligence factor.
*We have extra trainings and workshops from our partners, contact us and we make a plan for you. If you are not ready, then, first get the monthly innovation exercises.
Inside the Collabwith digital platform, you find a digital academy with pre-recorded masterclasses, workshops and digital courses with different experts in the area of innovation, mindset, leadership, entrepreneurship, investment, research transfer and collaboration.
The book
Every workshop comes with a specific framework and canvas from the book “Innovation and Collaboration in the Digital Era”. Every canvas is a guide for your daily work for innovation and collaboration. It’s a way to learn and practise all the learnings from every workshop. If you are not ready, then, first get the monthly innovation exercises.“

This is a powerful book full of practical frameworks and one-page canvases which act as reminders of the value of making needs and expectations explicit. The author provides frameworks and tools that can be used to support collaboration journeys across different sectors and organizations. She also offers clarity to the reader for their innovation journey and brings a new perspective on how to innovate and understand innovation.
Meet your trainers

Jara Pascual, our CEO Collabwith will lead your workshops and training with her more than 15 years of experience on innovation from R&D labs to corporate innovation. Jara Pascual is author of the book “Innovation and Collaboration in the Digital Era” and she is holding positions as a Board Member in the Knowledge4Innovation Forum in the European Parliament, Chair of the WG Innovation Ecosystems at AIOTI, Board member of AMIT-MIT, co-founder EuroSpaceHub and CEO Collabwith Group.
Celia Avila-Rauch is PhD on Medical Psychology and Master Behavioral Science at University Autonomous of Barcelona. Master in aviation psychology, PhD candidate in space psychology. Medicine Faculty and certified by European Certificate Psychotherapy, World Certificate Psychotherapy, Certificate as Supervisor in cognitive behavior Orientation in Munich, Germany. She specialized on emotional intelligence by the EI Skills Group at Yale University Certificate MSCEIT ™ Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotionally Intelligence. She is actively working with the European branch PER LAB in Florence, Italy. She is also trained with Alba Emoting and Breath Xpress techniques. She is passionate of the sea, the mountains and the cosmos, as well as interculturality. She currently lives in Munich, Germany.
Inside the Collabwith digital platform, you find a digital academy with pre-recorded masterclasses, workshops and digital courses with different experts in the area of innovation, mindset, leadership, entrepreneurship, investment, research transfer and collaboration.
If you are not ready, then, first get the monthly innovation exercises.