Mark your planner for Fridays at 12 noon for our training and learning sessions, dedicated to Collabwith Premium Members! Each month our Premium Members can attend special sessions: an Innovation Workshop, a Mindset Masterclass, and a Sales Masterclass with expert coaches. In particular, for this year of 2023, we are planning a series of special appointments.
This year’s Mindset Masterclass will be with expert Dr. Anthony Giannomis, Chair of the Board Inclusive Design and will be entitled “Inclusive Leadership vs Diversity Teams Leadership ”. With a background in Psychology and a decades-long career as a trainer, coach, facilitator and speaker, Nadine Nembach helps leaders, individuals and organizations tap their potential.
List of the Mindset Masterclasses organized with Dr. Anthony Giannomis and Collabwith for 2023:
- MINDSET MASTERCLASS: Inclusive Leadership vs Diversity Teams Leadership on Friday 10th March 2023 at 12noon CET.
7 Lovely Wins of Inclusive Leadership
Win #1: Inclusive design is necessary for some but awesome for everyone. This means that when you create new products or services in collaboration with extreme users, it will be more usable and accessible for everyone.
Win #2: Make inclusion fun and engaging. Gamification uses game theory to help get your trainees “out of their phone and into the zone”. Which team will be the first to discover that inclusion is innovation?
Win #3: What makes you remarkable? Hiring a “good fit” and a “better add” means valuing a person’s uniqueness. It’s about their qualifications as well as their background and experience. It’s about appreciating the “I in Team”.
Win #4: It’s dangerous to go alone, but inclusive leadership is about surrounding yourself with diversity. Non-violent communication and reverse mentoring enables you to empathize and better connect with your team.
Win #5: Can’t we all just get along? Trust in diverse teams helps create spaces where everyone feels safe to put forward their most out of the box ideas. It joins inclusion to innovation and makes diversity an asset.
Win #6: Inclusion is not being color blind. It’s the opposite. It’s seeing in color. This helps leaders understand the differences in people’s experiences. It enables leaders to move to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.
Win #7: You f#cked up. You said something you shouldn’t have. It’s not enough to say “I’m sorry ok?” and move on. Inclusive leaders are great at apologizing by accepting responsibility and taking action to make things right.
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Prof. George Anthony Giannoumis. Vice-rapporteur in ITU-D SG Q7/1 and Associate Professor of Universal Design of Information and Communication Technology at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet)
Anthony is an action researcher that focuses on technology policy and practice. He is an internationally recognized expert in the universal design of information and communication technology (ICT) and conducts state-of-the-art research on implementing universal design principles in practice. Anthony leads and participates in several large-scale research and innovation projects based in over 17 countries.
Anthony is an Associate Professor of Universal Design of ICT at the Department of Computer Science at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet). He maintains several international appointments including at the Harvard Law School Project on Disability at Harvard Law School, the Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University, the Department of Science and Informatics at the University of Eduardo Mondlane, and the Department of Education at Roma Tre University. He works with the United Nations (UN) International Telecommunications Union (ITU) as the Vice Rapporteur for the subcommittee on ICT Accessibility and Access Coalition Liaison for EQUALS. He is the founder and Chair of the Board for the Global Universal Design Commission Europe AS and MyGoverNext Oslo. He is a member of the board for the Global Universal Design Commission and the Gender Equality in Technology student organization. He has been a member of the Association for Computing Machinery’s (ACM) Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion and was awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship as part of the DREAM research network.
Since 2014, Anthony has acted as a principal investigator for research and innovation projects with budgets totaling over nine million EUR. He maintains a 25% success rate in acquiring grants and external funding and has an average score of 10.7 out of 15 for proposals submitted to the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program. He has authored over 30 peer-reviewed academic publications in leading international journals. He has accrued over 79 citations. Anthony has taught over 2,300 students and supervised 19 Master’s theses and one Ph.D. dissertation. He has also mentored over 18 startups, half of which have been led by women.
Anthony has received awards from the UN, OsloMet, Cambridge University, and other foundations and associations. He regularly teaches courses and lectures around the world, appears frequently on national and international media, and maintains a strong presence on several social media platforms.
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