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CHALLENGE FROM INOCROWD: To Identify a Possible Chemical Solution or Process

Let’s kickoff September!

// Do you know that we are collecting challenges from other challenge platforms? This is from our partner InoCrowd

// Do you believe that everyone is creative? And even if you are not from the industry you can solve a major challenge because you are an outsider? Or because you are a super creative expert and you can solve any challenge?

//Go and click in the link to know more about the challenge and start your thinking!

INOCROWD: CHALLENGE: Alternative sustainable pretreatment for metals

The main issue is to identify a possible chemical solution or process for alternative pretreatments for metal surfaces for steel, galvanized steel and aluminium prior to coatings.

Details of the Challenge

Current pretreatment technologies that are used after cleaning stages such as iron- or zincphosphatation or comparable inorganic thin film solutions (zirconium or silane based), use inorganic solutions containing heavy metals (e. g. nickel) and hydrogen fluoride (HF). The ingredients of these types are becoming more and more critical in the future regarding recycling and environmental sustainability. The purpose of this challenge is to identify possible alternatives for metal pretreatment technologies that are providing new ways for protecting metal workpieces (ferrous and non-ferrous) against a diversity of corrosion mechanisms and provide an excellent primer surface for painting. Thereby not only chemical solutions are interesting, but moreover also new processes and methods that can be applied in an industrial environment.

Award: 15K€