David Beckett
Public speaker
Pitch Coach “Best 3 minutes presentation”
Senior Pitch Coach at StartupBootcamp
I was introduced to three questions by Brian Tracy:
What do you want? What will it cost you time, money, energy? Are you willing to pay the price?
Most people have a good idea of what they want, are disappointed by the price they have to pay and are not prepared to pay that price, yet keep the goal of what they want.
The task is – keep working through the questions. If you’re not prepared to pay the price, change what you want. Otherwise, you’ll constantly be disappointed.
Meet David, on 29th of May 2019, the first BASE conference will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. BASE stands for Build, Advance, Sustain, Elevate and it is their mission is to create an exclusive, boutique conference that helps and supports startups and SMEs to gain the knowledge needed to scale up while building connections and getting inspired by experts in the field. We have a special discount price of 50% for KNOWCO members. Please enter (CODE KnowCo50) when you buy your tickets here.
Please, read an interview with David Beckett’s, here.