Ali Parandeh Zandpour
Founder & CEO Urbytus
Regional Chair at FIBRE
Board Advisor at Konssult
CEO Urbytus Ali Parandeh Zandpour Golden Rules for Living

Tags:Ali Parandeh Zandpour interviewAli Parandeh Zandpour knowco interviewAli Parandeh Zandpour urbytus interviewbring research to lifeentrepeneur in residence startupbootcamphow to become entrepreneurhow to find mentors for your startuphow to look for investmenthow we can scale upJaime San MartinJaime San Martin on Entrepreneurship "Never sit idleJaime San Martin's Golden Rule for Livingknowco hackathon winnerknowco interviewknowco magazineknowco platformor wait for money or work to come knocking on your door"share your knowledgestartupbootcamp mentorsUrbytuswhat is knowco platform