Collabwith Media Channels are the vehicle you need to portrait your project results, your research results, your leadership and authority to an innovative community of readers but also to optimize your name on the Internet search engines and increase your expertise authority within your own networks.
By becoming a thought leader with informational interviews.
One of the best ways to support your networking efforts is to become a thought leader in your industry. Once you establish yourself as an expertise force, people will be begging to network and collaborate with you. If you have a lot to say about your industry, add a blog page to your business website or digital portfolio and create some really valuable content that shows your expertise.
Collabwith is offering to you to create together informational interviews where you explain your expertise, your knowledge, your research results, your project results, your leadership or your organization. And we will ask you about your purpose and life. It’s an amazing opportunity for your network to learn more about your professional, research and expertise path, where you provide value at the same time you showcase your work and research.
Our Dissemination Portfolio
Our ways of helping you to become a thought leader and to disseminate your projects, expertise, knowledge, ideas, methodologies and technologies:
- Q&A Videos.
- “Business of Collaboration” Podcast Episodes.
- Interviews with Thought Leaders.
- Add your “Call to action” in our Marketplace with the link to apply to your website directly.
Q&A Videos
Q&A Videos is a format to showcase your expertise in an short-interview framework with direct questions and answers. Your expertise will be understood and your proximity to your customers will be enhanced. Q&A Videos can be used to explain complex process inside projects, funding calls or accelerators: How to Apply to, How process works or benefits. Collabwith Q&A Videos are the vehicle you need to portrait your leadership and authority to an innovative community of readers but also to optimize your name on the Internet search engines and increase your expertise authority within your own networks.
“Business of Collaboration” Podcast Episodes
We created the “Business of collaboration” podcast to feature conversations between a business executive and a professor to talk about life experiences and how to work together for a positive impact. We believe in connecting people on human being level to collaborate better. We believe in creating a conversation to enhance understanding and collaboration. We invite our listeners to discover new points of view through the stories told by our guest speakers. This Podcast is presented by Jara Pascual Founder of Collabwith. Collabwith Podcast “Business of Collaboration” is the vehicle you need to portrait your project results, your research results, your leadership and authority to an innovative community of readers but also to optimize your name on the Internet search engines and increase your expertise authority within your own networks.

Thought Leader Interviews
As a thought leader you have to increase your visibility, and you have to show your expertise via thought and informational interviews. Collabwith Magazine is the vehicle you need to portrait your leadership and authority to an innovative community of readers but also to optimize your name on the Internet search engines and increase your expertise authority within your own networks.

Marketplace to disseminate your “Call for papers”, “Call for funding”, “Call for startups” and Challenges
This is our service to promote your “call for papers” from your conference and projects, your “call for startups” from your accelerators and incubators and challenges from your organization into the Marketplace with the link to apply to website directly.

Also, we will promote all this content through our Collabwith platform members and our social media channels such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.
Use this authority content to improve your SEO in the search engines, to increase your expertise authority across different media channels, to have extra content for your website and social networks, to be featured within your networks and increase your networking effect.