At Collabwith, we are so committed to a public mission as it is to support universities to transfer their research results to industry, society, startups and whoever needs it to become innovate and be relevant in the future. This is what some people is asking us, why Collabwith is a private entity if you are helping public organizations. Well, we are not only helping public organizations, we help corporates, SMEs and startups to understand the importance of innovation and adoption of innovative solutions from “others”, and in this “others” you can see universities, research results, startup solutions, or other SME solutions. But still, this could be seen as a public mission, and yes, at Collabwith we are very comfortable with this mission of feeling and thinking every day that we have a social impact with our daily work.
So, this is why we like to partner with like-minded organizations who wants to contribute to this mission, because together we are stronger and more capable to do it, and to see changes and to see impact in reality. This mission has a huge diversity of actions, contributions, methodologies, perspectives, initiatives, and all should be developed and supported. It is a global digital innovation ecosystem, and as such, it should be treated. The consequence is that we are creating and we want to continue to create a Global Digital and Virtual Innovation Ecosystem, and for this, we need you as a partner (our book with this mission here). Every piece of this puzzle is important, and as much pieces we are further and more far we can go together.
Collabwith aims to build a digital ecosystem that helps organizations to connect between academics, start-ups and other organizations to increase their knowledge and innovation capacity. By bringing their expertise and knowledge together, our partners play an important role in the success of our ecosystem. As a Collabwith partner, you can become a:
- Participation in our strategy meetings and co-define our strategy.
- Contribution to our knowledge network and event program.
- Participation in collaborative research, innovation & promotion programs.
- Innovation sourcing through our international ecosystem.
- Invites to exclusive events and conferences.
- Visibility in all Collabwith communication channels.
- Catalyze new business opportunities through corporate accelerator programs, scouting missions and Collabwith network.
If you are interested to become a Collabwith partner, as accelerator, ecosystem, university, corporate, research institution, innovation center or an investor. We’d be glad to hear from you. Please contact us for our personalized service and pricing: hello @ collabwith . org.

ISPIM – the International Society for Professional Innovation Management – is a community of members from research, industry, consulting and the public sector, all sharing a passion for innovation management – how to successfully create new products, processes and services from ideas to stimulate economic growth and well-being. Formed in Norway in 1983, ISPIM is the oldest, largest and most active truly global innovation network.

K4I events mainly take place within the framework of the K4I Forum in the European Parliament. The K4I Forum in the European Parliament brings together policy makers and stakeholders in debates about the future of innovation in Europe. After hundreds of debates, the Forum is well established in the European Parliament and recognized by the other EU institutions. The K4I MEP Policy Brief describes complex issues, particularly those arising from Commission proposals and those which the Members of the European Parliament, in their role as co-legislator, have to amend, report or vote on.

Collabwith and SBIC Noordwijk wish to collaborate in order to strengthen each other’s community members to increase their visibility, their technical solutions, startup programs and challenges bringing an innovative impact into the market through open innovation collaborations for the Space Industry. Both companies share the mission of #downtoearth where Space Technology could be applied to any kind of industry and improve the positive impact of their business models and technology. Watch video with Martijn Leinweber, COO SBIC Noordwijk, here.

HeroX is a platform where you can support a cause you believe in, help fund a prize, or post challenges to inspire others. We offer the tools to help spark brilliant new solutions and we spread the word to people passionate about change.

Collabwith and Inocrowd wish to collaborate in order to strengthen each other’s platform members to increase the efficacy of finding solvers for the Inocrowd challenges bringing an innovative impact into the market through open innovation collaborations. InoCrowd is a platform that works with a model based on finding innovative solutions for specific Challenges. Watch the video why we partner with Inocrowd, here.

David Arias is part of the Strata Team, he is helping the Collabwith Members to apply to public grants and joining research consortiums within European Grants, EASME, European Innovation Council and HorizonEurope.
An international team of experts in technology, science, technology transfer and innovation that helps tech companies leverage cutting-edge fundraising and go-to-market strategies to finance their innovation projects and grow.

Celia Avila-Rauch is PhD on Medical Psychology and Master Behavioral Science at University Autonomous of Barcelona. Medicine Faculty and certified by European Certificate Psychotherapy, World Certificate Psychotherapy, Certificate as Supervisor in cognitive behavior Orientation in Munich, Germany. She specialized on emotional intelligence by the EI Skills Group at Yale University Certificate MSCEIT ™ Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence.
Collabwith is working with Windrose Global Advisors with our Emotional intelligence workshops.

We are a group of international researchers from different scientific disciplines (Surgery, medicine, IT, data management…and more). The #OpenSourceResearch collaboration started as a research network in 2018 and grew to a registered international organization in 2020.
The #OpenSourceResearch collaboration aims to:
1. Close the gap between the rapidly evolving information technology sector and the slowly moving healthcare sector by implementing IT in medical research. This aim will be achieved through multidisciplinary teams (across scientific disciplines) to conduct research, improve data use/re-use and help with data mining.
We have different research projects (see research page on our website for details
As a collaborator you will get access to our clinical expertise and insider knowledge of the health systems in different countries. We know clinical problems and we can help in finding solutions using information technologies. There are potentials for economic benefits for our industry partners. We are however, a non-profit organization so any economic benefits will be used to finance our administrative costs, support our research projects and activities.

Scott Rosen is the president and managing director of SRCC Impera GmbH, an international presentation and capital consulting company helping businesses revise their pitch and strengthen their foothold in the EMEA and North American regions. With over twenty-one years of Wall Street banking and wealth management experience, he utilizes Impera’s network of family office, private equity, and VC connections to help their clients raise capital and form strategic partnerships. Scott is also an active lecturer at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management’s MBA program.

Tiko Pro specializes in consulting services supporting acquisition of funding for projects under Horizon Europe. Our core services stretch from business and project development in view of seeking financial support for our customers via EU funding mechanisms over to the project coordination, reporting, and training related to EU-funded projects – from project proposal preparation to successful project execution.
With an outstanding track record in EU funding endeavors and a broad international partner network, some of our key strategic partners and customers come from the energy, IT, and mobility sector. Through our regular business, EU funding, and project implementation related training and workshop activities for different stakeholders, i.e. running EU projects, chambers of commerce, ministries, business promotion agencies, research associations, incubators, and accelerators, we are also a valuable network partner for dissemination and communication activities when it comes to reaching out to various audiences.

Dexterity Club provides innovative learning opportunities and resources to encourage children and their parents to develop digital skills and competencies in a responsible way. We offer courses and workshops on the topics of Coding, robotics, and digital citizenship. Additionally, we offer workshops for parents on the topics of digital safety.
We are a group of international women living in The Hague, with a background in technology and education. We have a keen interest in global challenges, and together we decided to create an innovative solution that:
- Supports children to become creators and not just users of technology.
- Helps children develop their digital citizenship skills to become more responsible, employable, and tolerant future citizens.
- Motivates girls, at the same time as boys, to be interested in areas of technology and computer science, in order to reduce the evident gender gap in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers.
- Provides tools for parents and teachers to join their children’s digital competencies development.
If you want to join the Collabwith platform, please click here.
If you are interested to become a Collabwith partner, as accelerator, ecosystem, university, corporate, research institution, innovation center or an investor. We’d be glad to hear from you. Please contact us for our personalized service and pricing: hello @ collabwith . org.