A curated list of challenges, programs, funding opportunities, academic research and startups that have caught our eye.

Innovation Lab
The Creative Innovation Lab shall incentivise players from different cultural and creative sectors, including audiovisual, to design and test innovative solutions for key challenges, with a potential positive long-term impact on multiple cultural and creative sectors.
Expected results
- Development of innovative creative processes;
- Increased visibility, availability and diversity of European content in the digital age;
- Improved business models and use of data;
- Increased potential audience of European content in the digital age;
- Support greening and circular economy thinking, including innovation for sustainability, inclusion and well-being in line with the priorities of the New European Bauhaus.
Recycling technologies for critical raw materials from EoL products (IA)

Projects outcomes will enable the expected impacts of the destination by increasing access to secondary raw materials, in particular critical raw materials[1] for EU industrial value chains and strategic sectors which will alleviate critical raw materials dependency.
Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:
- Develop raw materials recycling and re-use of components and/or products from end-of-life products technologies and urban mines, including efficient sorting technologies for separation and recycling and the sustainable embedment of the process regarding energy, resource and water efficiency.
- Improve responsible supply of raw materials to Europe in line with the EU principles for sustainable raw materials, which are a non-regulatory set of principles based on the EU acquis. They set out requirements for sustainable raw materials and extraction and processing in Europe in terms of social, environmental and economic performance.[2] [3]
- Demonstrate contribution to EU climate neutrality objectives.
Projects outcomes will enable achieving the expected impacts of the destination by increasing access to primary raw materials in particular critical raw materials[1] for EU industrial value chains and strategic sectors.
Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:
- Develop innovative technologies for extraction of raw materials in the European Union.
- Increase the domestic EU sourcing of raw materials.
- Improve responsible supply of raw materials to Europe in line with the EU principles for sustainable raw materials, which are a non-regulatory set of principles based on the EU acquis. They set out requirements for sustainable raw materials and extraction and processing in Europe in terms of social, environmental and economic performance[2].
- Show the potential to reduce substantially the Green House Gases (GHGs) emissions intensity of extraction per ton of the material (metal, metal content, concentrate, mineral) sold on to the downstream value chain, thus contributing to EU climate neutrality objectives.
- Promote the utilisation of UNFC (United Nations Framework Classification for Resources) and UNRMS (United Nations Resource Management System) in the raw materials sector.
- Accelerate development of EU domestic raw materials exploration projects integrating innovative technologies.
Technologies for processing and refining of critical raw materials (IA)

Projects outcomes will enable achieving the expected impacts of the destination by increasing access to primary raw materials and secondary raw materials, in particular critical raw materials[1] for EU industrial value chains and strategic sectors.
Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:
-Increase recovery rates of valuable raw materials, particularly critical raw materials from low grade or complex ores and/or from extractive waste;
-Significantly increase economic performance in terms of higher material-, water-, energy- and cost-efficiency and flexibility in minerals processing and metallurgical processes;
-Significantly improve the health, safety and environmental performance of the operations throughout the whole life cycle which is considered, including a reduction in waste, wastewater and emissions generation and a better recovery of resources from generated waste;
-Improve responsible supply of raw materials to Europe in line with the EU principles for sustainable raw materials, which are a non-regulatory set of principles based on the EU acquis. They set out requirements for sustainable raw materials and extraction and processing in Europe in terms of social, environmental and economic performance.[2]
The objective of the support to European co-development is to support the cooperation among European production companies that are developing works with a strong international audience potential.
Expected results
- Increased collaboration at development stage between European production companies from different countries and from different markets and consequently an increased number of co-productions.
- Increased quality, feasibility, cross-border potential and market value of selected projects.
- A stronger position on European and international markets for companies selected under European co-development.
TheCollabEDIT will be published on the Collabwith Magazine once per week, however, you can join the Collabwith platform to check the funding and collaboration opportunities yourself every day, or as many times you want on the Collabwith Marketplace.
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