Our host, Jara Pascual, founder & CEO of Collabwith, today we have the true pleasure to talk to Eksteen de Waal, CEO of Exponentially Me and we had a very deep conversation about what is the secret of performance of an organization, or how to motivate and value people.
In this podcast episode of “Business of Collaboration”, we will talk about emotional intelligence, cognitive empathy, toxic leaders and also we discussed the most profounds feelings of change that everyone can leverage in people when we listen to them.
Do you want to know?
Listen to our podcast with Eksteen de Waal.
“Teams with women just perform better, because the cognitive empathy of women”
“If you want an innovative and creative team, add a woman or more until the team is innovative enough”
“Spend time with the person you are spending less time with and the relationship with this person will change”
“Make your team reflect on gratitude every day for something, and the team will change positively”
“You have to make sure that you take care of your people”
“Authenticity is about vulnerability: Can you say sorry to a customer?”
“Innovation is equated with creativity, and creativity is finding solutions for problems that has been not solved”
“Innovation is looking at the things with a different perspective and finding the solution that helps the situation that maybe it’s not the first workable solution”
“Collaboration for Innovation is finding the person who can execute”
“Collabwith is a way for me to give back”
Eksteen de Waal 
CEO of Exponentially Me
You can listen more Podcasts here.
Collabwith is a technology and a service to structure collaboration for innovation. It’s a tool to connect academics-startups-organizations. Because a tool is not enough to transform how you collaborate, here we have created a new methodology, personalized trainings, a new way of communication and a tailored made consulting for you to be more effective and efficient, now.
Grow your business and innovation through smart collaborations with Collabwith innovative and holistic approach to collaboration.
Magazine: https://collabwith.co
CollaborationXInnovation Platform: https://platform.collabwith.co
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