Today our CEO Jara Pascual and founder of Collabwith, talked to Prof. Julia Wolny, Associate Professor EADA Business School, Founder & Director New Way Smart Things and with Digital Innovation and Consumer Experience Research Professional and Associate Editor at Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing.
“Being a connector is one of the roles of academics in our society -we connect networks, industry, disciplines, locations, theory with practices, students and careers”
We are talking with Prof. Wolny about how many ways academics can collaborate with industry, the role of academics as connectors to bring impact to our society and industry and how to use the Collabwith platform as a one-stop-shop for collaboration.
“Innovation is not only led by technology or science, there are faces to innovation in the way you create your business model, in the way of creativity, and how you apply it”
Do you know the secrets of making a collaboration? Learn from the experience and best practices of the Prof. Julia Wolny.
“As academics sometimes we can help many people find their place in the world -it brings me real joy when it happens”
“Collaborations with industry have high value for student learning”
“We invite our EADA Alumni to come back to school to present their business and create a community”
“The role of Collabwith is giving trust to the relationship from the beginning, it’s a trust builder for collaborations”
“The first thing we discuss when starting a project between academia and industry is which level of collaboration we should explore, because there are so many possibilities, and this is where I see the value of Collabwith”
Prof. Julia Wolny 
Associate Professor EADA Business School
Founder & Director New Way Smart Things
Digital Innovation and Consumer Experience Research Professional
Associate Editor at Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing
You can listen more Podcasts here.
Collabwith is a technology and a service to structure collaboration for innovation. It’s a tool to connect academics-startups-organizations. Because a tool is not enough to transform how you collaborate, here we have created a new methodology, personalized trainings, a new way of communication and a tailored made consulting for you to be more effective and efficient, now.
Grow your business and innovation through smart collaborations with Collabwith innovative and holistic approach to collaboration.
CollaborationXInnovation Platform:
Do you want to know more? Book a demo with us, Contact us here.