Are you ready to transform your project? Or how you do work as a collaboration team? or how you do kickoff your idea? Or how you do manage innovation? We will help you to find the right mentor for you and your case from our Collabwith platform of more than 1500 members and networks.
Our CEO Jara Pascual will do the most of the mentoring sessions. However, when you need a specific knowledge, we will re-direct you to the right person from industry, academia or policy makers.
Please, contact us if you are interested to know more about our mentoring, you can send us an email to

Jara Pascual, our CEO Collabwith will mentor you, and your organization leaders with personalized mentoring sessions. Jara is mentor in several accelerator programs, hackathons and individual entrepreneurs and innovation consultants. She is author of the book “Innovation and Collaboration in the Digital Era” and she is holding positions as a Board Member in the Knowledge4Innovation Forum in the European Parliament and Managing Director at TWOO The Wominvest Observatory.
Are you lost and you don’t know where to start? Is it hard to select the right accelerator program? Is it hard to execute innovation and become entrepreneur?
1 hour
- 150€ price per hour
- Excluding 21% VAT
- Ideal for quick questions, guidance, and support you with creativity and ideas.
- At once!
2 hours
- 140€ price per hour
- Excluding 21% VAT
- This option is for you to define together your new strategy and
- decision.
- 7% Savings
5 hours
- 120€ price per hour
- Excluding 21% VAT
- When you need a transformation for your and your business or project. I will there.
- 20% Savings
Any questions? We are always there for you